Sunday, August 19, 2012

Go Vertical with Kid Bunk Bed Solutions

We have one set of boring plain jane bunk beds and a crib in the kids' room. One day I'm determined to be more creative with that space.

Here's an idea I LOVE. When your square footage is limited, go vertical.
What about this lovely loft bed. 

It wouldn't be safe for us to give them a rolling desk chair in the air now. Our kids are still pretty small and attempt to kill themselves on a standard bunk, but maybe someday.

If we owned instead of renting, I would love to go with built-in beds like these lovely corner beds, which can be found along with scads of other great built-in bunks on this blog.

When the kids were little, my husband tried to talk me into bunk cribs similar to these.

I told him he was nuts. You can find them at if you think they're amazing.

Funny, even though I think those are barbaric cages, I'm perfectly OK with the concept of the triple bunk as seen here.

If kids could design a bedroom, and expense and possible injury were not an issue, this is the one my kids would pick. I'm a little worried they'd turn that rope into a noose and then it would be a death bed. If you're not afraid, and you're OK paying shipping from England, visit the Woodland site.

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